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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

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If you have a mower or a related item you would like to offer, sell, or give to our members, click here to provide us with the details. We will include the details on the classified seciton of our website.

Do NOT contact us using form below on this page.

We will not enter into detailed correspondence about mowers you wish to sell or donate. We will be happy to include details of any suitable mower you may wish to sell on the classified section of our website but only if you submit the information we need using our Online Form (opens new page).


We are a club for enthusiasts who collect, preserve and display old mowers. We are not a technical helpdesk or helpline.

If you have a technical query (eg no spark, missing parts, how to get it running etc) about a mower, please do not contact us because we will not be able to help you.

The answer may already be on our site. Please Search the site or visit the Forum section before you contact us.

Please look at our FAQ page to find answers to many questions about the Old Lawnmower Club.


Images and Photos

You can add up some images or photographs to your email. The number of images you can add, the size limit for each, and the types allowed are indicated below the Choose Files button.

Maximum 3 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Enter the characters shown in the image.
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