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Volume of paint required for the finishing coat

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Approximately what volume of paint is required for the finishing coat on an small motor mower including the grass box.

I read somewhere, maybe on this forum, that it would be about 500ml


wristpin Sun, 28/08/2016

Brushing or spraying?

If spraying and depending on the paint system the "finishing coat" - final colour coat - could be 30% or more thinners and 500cc of colour would probably be more than adequate for a small machine ; but if brushing with, say, 10% thinning it might be a bit tight.

goodgrass Sun, 28/08/2016

I would be spraying.

I have compressor and gun but I cannot make up my mind whether to just use a couple of 400 ml aerosol cans in this instance as it suffolk punch red and green.

wristpin Sun, 28/08/2016

I often use aerosols for small jobs as it saves wastage and gun washing etc. The down side is that I've yet to find an aerosol that has much fuel resistance so great care has to be taken not to slop a bit of fuel onto the tank when refueling. I've tried a so called fuel resistant lacquer with little success.