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ignition coil

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I have a Villiers Mk VIA 247cc from an Atco Standard 22" cylinder and the ignition coil is dead. The coil measures 2 3/4"  (70mm) long by 1 3/4" (44mm) in diameter. I am finding it difficult to source a new one of this size (lots of smaller sizes available) so I am wondering can another different size coil be fitted in it's place as long as you can get the core to connect with the pick ups. Or are there any modern coils that will replace the original type just to get the engine to run and source an original at a later date.


gtc Mon, 08/09/2014

I have just purchased that very coil from Villiers Parts UK. (Not cheap!)

It's part number 1030 on their website.

Note that on this version the primary connection needs to be soldered on.

Also, I had to add a blob of solder to the secondary contact so that the HT cable made good contact with it.