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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Annual Rally 2015 - Silens Messor Theme

One of the three themes for this year's Annual Rally is the Greens Silens Messor. This popular mower was introduced in 1859 and, after a series of minor modifications and updates, was still listed in the company's catalogue towards the end of the 1930s. This makes it one of the longest-produced mowers of all time. Over the years the Silens Messor was produced in cutting widths from 6" to 48" and over one million were sold. Mostly these were chain driven but some had gears. The variety of designs and sizes means there are dozens of variants all bearing the Silens Messor name. At this year's rally we are asking members to bring examples from their collections so that we can build a timeline with as many different designs as possible.


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