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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Greens Flyer

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Hi, I have included a Greens Flyer on the new Members Showcase forum. I have posted a few others there as well. However only three members including myself have displayed mowers. It's a real shame as currently only 13 mowers are shown. Surely more of you could be persuaded to include some of your collection. It enables other members to see mowers they might otherwise never see or come across whilst giving a little history or background as well. A genuine plea , thanks, Sean.

olcadmin Wed, 07/04/2021

I agree Sean.

Since your original post the number of mowers featured has risen to over 40 but still only from eight members. It would be great if a few more could use this part of our site to provide a glimpse of their collections.

John.Sutherland Wed, 07/04/2021

Perhaps the reason is down to members having shown their lawnmower through the clubs different forum channels that no one will be interested seeing it again under a different title?

If this is the reason, members should not be put off, Showcase is basically a one stop shop to view many variations in one place outside the chat forum.

So far Showcase is looking good.