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Atco standard clutch

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Good evening all, 

Just having a few issues with my clutch, got the engine running and all blades sharpened but cannot get the clutch right. 

Does anyone have a diagram? 

The clutch was originally seized but I freed the clutch plates easily. Now I would like to know if the spring basket pictured should be free from the shaft or not. Currently it is unmovable? 

Thought I'd better check prior to doing any work. 


Is it also possible to remove the small guide rail in the shaft? 






dunnes2002 Tue, 01/05/2018

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, not sure how many times I have looked at that diagram but totally missed that. 


Well I put it all back together and after a little tinkering I finally managed to get a working clutch. This also meant that I managed to cut the lawn with my standard for the first time. 


A very happy tinkerer,  now onto the next mower ... See other threads!!