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Suffolk Punch 35S blade sharpen near Heathrow/Surrey

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As the title says, I'm looking for someone to sharpen the blades on a Suffolk Punch 35S near Heathrow/Surrey area.

Grateful for any suggestions.

PetrolHead Fri, 08/06/2018

Thanks, yes I had found this after my post. I spoke to someone a bit far near Gatwick, but he did say I need to make sure there is enough material on the blade before sharpening. I guess this is so that there is still enough travel to make the cylinder bite the lower blade.

wristpin Fri, 08/06/2018

I guess this is so that there is still enough travel to make the cylinder bite the lower blade.

In an extreme case - yes; but before that, it will tend to dump the grass on the front edge of the box rather than throw it to the back,