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JP Super, how to take apart.

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A question for the JP experts or anyone else that may know.

How do you remove the cotter sleeves and bolts to enable side pieces to be taken off?  Should it it be possible to pull bolt out when nut and sleeve have been removed? The problem I have is the rear roller has seized, gearbox failure possibly. Can rear roller axle be removed without taking side pieces off?


Henry Ellis Tue, 12/11/2019

The correct procedure is to unscrew the nuts on the cotters by 2 turns and tap inwards, this releases the grip on the cross tube. It is not possible to pull the bolt out until the side frame is removed. There is no rear axle as such just extensions each side from the centre section of the rear roller. Dismantling is a difficult and riky business as the aluminium side frame will have "welded" itself to the cross tubes and too much force could break the side frame, and force is needed but evenly applied throughout its length. If you want to continue with this, best if you 'phone me on 01923 678657 and I can explain a lot more about the procedure.