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Charles Pugh gang / trailing mower Identification

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Hi All,

A friend of mine have recently been handed a gang / trailing mower and needs to get it working.

 It has a brass plate on it which contains the following:

Charles H Pugh Ltd

Atco Works

Birmingham 9

Quote No: 3A210

I understand that the first 3 lines are name and address, I assume the "3A" is the model number and the "210" is the production number.

Does anyone have any information on this type of mower? Pics / articles etc. I have pictures that I will try to upload. 




wristpin Sun, 15/09/2013

In 35+ years of mower selling and mending I only ever came across one "full size" set of Atco gangs  where as the Mini gangs were quite plentiful. I can't remember too much about them but at the time was quite intrguied as at  I had no knowledge that Atco ever made a full sized set - I have not seen any others since!