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Restoring using sandblasting

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I'm thinking of restoring an early Qualcast Panther using sandblasting, cellulose primer and specially mixed cellulose paint in the Qualcast green colour based on the NCS colour code on this site. I know a couple of members who get thier mowers shotblasted, i'm confused at the difference, since both sandblasting and shotblasting seem to be the same thing.

To anybody who has had thier mowers blasted in the past, if I were to take the mower in peices to a specialist what sort of prices would I be looking at for a small push mower like that?


hillsider Wed, 08/06/2011

Hello Aled,

I think the main difference between sand and shot blasting is in the material used for the blasting medium. It can vary from fine sand to coarse grit with ground up nut shells somewhere in between, generaly the more fine the material used the smoother the finish. Some coarse grits will leave a peppered finish particularly on aluminium. One thing common to all is that any iron or steel will need to be immdiately primed with paint to prevent a layer of rust appearing on the surface of the clean metal.

You will need to enquire in your local area about how much this would cost and be advised about the blasting medium that they would use. You will need to cover up any bearing areas to prevent damage to the surfaces that bearings run on but I am sure that you will be advised of this.
