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vintage electric cylinder mowers

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I went over to my grandfather's house today and spotted in his shed a very old looking electric cylinder mower with grassbox. I would like to know if things like these have much value or desirability?



redfernmowers Mon, 03/09/2012

Hey henry.

A good question there. I've had my share of vintage electric cylinder mowers and it all depends really. they're more of a collectable than full use, unless you have the electrics fully tested, rewired where necessary and provide a PAT test certificate before sale for health and safety requirements.

it's a good thing you mentioned this you know. I've a desire to find a particular lawnmower going back to probably late 80's early 90's. it's a qualcast concorde 30. to describe it, it's a 12" small cylinder mower with a compact rear roller, 2 wheel rollers at the front,. the main handle is just a pole in the centre going up to a single trigger handle (1 handed use) like you would a hoover), with a metal grass box. that model for me for some reason, though I can't figure it out, just seems rather desirable for me, even if it's just to be restored and placed in the corner of my workshop on a plinth with fake grass underneath



HenryB Mon, 03/09/2012

I might go over there again and drag it out and see what it says on it, I've never seen one like it though.
