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The underground enemy

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I'm fighting a daily battle with moles.

I've dug up their runs, set traps, used repellant and I've even tried gassing them.

The solar vibration thing does nothing either. 

Have any of you got a foolproof way of catching them? This seems to be the only option.


wristpin Fri, 16/09/2016

Professional trapping by someone with an understanding of the creatures habits is the best answer. You refer to "them" but it's often just one  - amazing just what havoc one can cause.

Contact the Guild of British Mole Trappers or the Guild of Master Mole Trappers who will put you in touch with a local trapper.

HS92134 Sat, 17/09/2016

The Underground Enemy.

Whilst I cannot offer a foolproof solution, I can tell you what worked for me. Wristpin is absolutely right about the value of understanding the creatures' habits. I read the information on the website and bought equipment from them. I also read and recommend the book "Mole Catching - A Practical Guide" by Jeff Nicholls. With no previous experience I caught 21 moles last year. None has appeared so far this year!

Clive1997 Sat, 17/09/2016

How about a bit of live & let live, we have enough endangered species in this world without slaughtering more!

gtc Sun, 18/09/2016

I can't talk about moles because we don't have them in Oz, but we do have wild rabbits invading the suburbs and they love to dig holes in the lawn, among other nuisances.

I don't want to kill them so I found plans for a live rabbit trap on the web and built it.

Using rabbit pellets for bait it works very well. I take the live catches out into the bush miles away from suburbia and release them. Doubtless somebody would find a reason to prosecute me for doing that, but it solves my immediate problem in what I consider a humane manner. The Council's trappers would kill them.


Gerry Norris Sun, 18/09/2016

Me Jack Russell did for the mole and Rabbits are shot and eaten as are pidgeons (but pidgeons not eaten.)