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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

The Lion and Lamb

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Okay they are sheep. Not being one to lightly miss a photo opportunity and with a passing ' nod ' to Easter week here is my take on The Lion and The Lamb.

Astute observers will notice that it's not the same machine  as in my earlier post on the Lion. This one I have also just re-roller-ed, so it's serviceable for another for another hundred odd years !

RansomesRob Wed, 05/04/2023

I feel a bit sheepish about saying this Colin but ewe have a great looking mower there, in fact, it looks mint.....I know, don't give up the day job Rob!!

stonethemows Thu, 06/04/2023

Thanks for your interest chaps. If the comments had been critical I would have said you had a bit of a sauce. In addition I can further report that the cutting cylinder still has more than enough meat left on it.