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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

RIP John Edwin Budding

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Sadly John Edwin Budding (Great,Great Grandson of the Lawn Mowers inventor Edwin Beard Budding)  passed away on the 5th May,I first met John & his wife Joan in 2014 and featured them in an article in Grass Box 91 Winter 2015, link below.

I attended the service of celebration a week ago & in addition to being re-united with Joan I met many more family members, quite interesting being in the same room as 30 plus direct descendants of the man who invented the lawn mower in 1830 and is therefore responsible for our great hobby. 

Chatting to the young family members it is clear that John has passed on the family story regarding their Gt.Gt,Gt,Gt,Gt Grandfather & who knows perhaps potential members of our club in the future. 


