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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Atco 1460/61 - front wheels/rollers

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Hi all

This is my first Atco purchase and restoration. The first thing I want to do is replace the wheels so I can move it around more easily. I haven't found the same model easily online, especially one with the three . Does anyone have a suggestion where I might find parts for this model (I'll have a list shortly!) or recommendations for replacing the rollers/wheels if they are not available? Do I persevere with the wheels or replace with a roller?   


Condition at purchase   RHS with catcher, chain cover panel and fuel tank  Reference numbers  Front View

   Front wheels



wristpin Tue, 16/08/2022

I’m fairly certain that your machine would have had wooden rollers and that the wheels are someone’s modification  ( avoiding the B word).  Atco used oak rollers which were fairly durable if treated with some respect. There’s a club member who advertises on the back of the club magazine, Grassbox , who will make you a quality set at a reasonable price. If you are not bothered about originality you can use the plastic ones used on Suffolk Punches  - go for the larger diameter ones from the 17” Super Punch.