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Atco loose main chain

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Old Atco b24 broke its main chain.

 Could not get a link for live nor money

 someone gave me an imperial heavy duty chain that I cut and joined with modern connector/ sliding master link.

 This is the outer link of the chain

 measured and put it on and it is very loose, but not loose enough to remove two links, so to use the outer plate master joining link

i see no chain tensioner so I am in a quandary what to do


wristpin Wed, 27/09/2023

A decent bearing and transmission chain  factor should be able to supply a connecting link. If you don’t have a local one, two on line ones that come to mind are Simply Bearings and Bearing Boys - there are several others.. Memory is a bit hazy but a chain spec of  ASA 40 or 41 comes to mind.

The original part number for the Atco chain was L20332 ( later F016L20333) and was 43pitch plus a connecting link L21249.

I assume that you are aware that there is adjustment on the intermediate sprocket sprocket - it can be moved in a slot and also an eccentric which provide some adjustment for both the primary and intermediate chains.

While Atco cylinder mowers no longer exist per se , the basic design of your machine still exists as the Allett Buckingham and many parts are available from Allett agents - albeit quite expensive.