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Garfitts bottom blade grinder

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Garfitts bottom blade grinder, table top machine seems in good condition.  Any views on

it would be appreciated.  Photo attached

Garfitts grinder


wristpin Tue, 27/09/2022

I’ve never come across that Garfitts machine , one more often sees the Atterton and Ellis Angle Master. That said , if one is regularly servicing cylinder mowers, a bottom blade grinder / refacer , either stand alone or as part of a cylinder grinder , is an essential tool to have as even new blades when mounted on their sole plates can often need to be trued up. Messing about with paper shims between blade and sole plate is unsatisfactory and time wasting. As someone on this forum once said “one doesn’t just sharpen one blade of a pair of scissors”! 

I see that the vendor  is also selling an in-situ  cylinder grinder, which doesn’t offer a bottom blade grinding facility , hence the need for the stand alone machine.