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Oil level Villiers F12

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I'm wondering how to check the oil level on a Villiers F12 engine. Should you fill all the way up to where the threads start? Or is there any marking?


wristpin Fri, 03/02/2023

Thought I’d answered , but may be not!
Anyway, they crop up on eBay . Mine was a gift from the old Meetens Company in Wimbledon in about 1970. Says ten shillings and sixpence !

olcadmin Sat, 04/02/2023

There is a version of the F12 manual available on this site. Look in the Preserve section Engine Manuals. 

Ljungberg Sat, 04/02/2023

Oh, it looks empty in the engine section when im hit the link. I have tried both Chrome and Safari. Am i doing something wrong?