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re-assembly of an Atco 12" Mower with Villiers engine.

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Hi, I don't know what model but, after getting the Villiers engine going, I am trying to rebuild the main mower. But to what sequence? I have tried nearly every combination. bottom blade to 2 sides..... 1 side, roller, cutter, bottom blade. then the other side didn't go.....Cutter, roller, 1 side....then the bottom blade looks impossible to fit. ANY IDEAS would be greatly appreciated.

I will try and add a pic, but I'm old !!


wristpin Thu, 01/09/2022

Not that this helps but Ive done a good few over the years but don’t recollect having an issue. - in what order did you take it apart ?  Where you are now I would assemble every thing into the drive side (lh) frame then offer up the Rh frame and finally refitting the engine. Just make sure that the rear roller and the cutting cylinder bearings are pushed right against their respective abutments. Otherwise they will seem to be too wide for the chassis.